Keoko Kids

A tablet application concept that provides kids of ages 6–14 to stream their favorite tv and movie content at any given time.



I created this test project for a pretty lengthy interview process. Even though it won't be put into production, I believe the findings are worth sharing. The given project description caught my attention a lot. I learned a lot from it, and I enjoy a good challenge. This project also gave me the opportunity to strategically consider the methodology I would use, how I could get factual information to verify my hypotheses, and which factors would require that they stay hypotheses in order to reach a conclusion.

If you’re wondering, yes I succeeded on the test and got the job.

The challenge

“ Create a tablet application for Keoko Kids that enables parents to control their 6-14 year-old children's activities while allowing them to use the app safely and independently. From the perspectives of both kids and parents, it's crucial to include all of the essential elements that an app of this kind should have.

We purposefully left this brief open-ended so that you can see what you could do with it and where you could take it. ”

Since I had the freedom to create a solution not limited to the given brief, first I started by asking questions like what are the goals my client is trying to achieve? and what are the constraints and assumptions I should make in order to focus on creating the final outcome? To come up with a better solution for the given challenge I had to make some assumptions to use them as a foundation for the next steps of the process. 

Design Process

Double Diamond is the methodology that I used to find the best solution. In the first phase of Discovery, I needed to understand the problem context and the user needs before developing any solution. User flows were generated in the Definition phase. In the Develop phase, all the possible scenarios are explored to avoid some problems that might show up later. With a solid basis of UX findings, the visual part of the app was designed, including interactions completing the Delivery phase. 



The first thing I wanted to do was understand why the client wanted to create such a product. In order to set a foundation for the solution I made the following assumptions.

Keoko Kids has a main VOD application product that targets the adult audience and now they want to expand their services to the kids' application market.

The client will be focussing on communicating the positioning of the Keoko Kids brand concerning the main Keoko product.

Initially, the client will be releasing an MVP called “Keoko Kids” to the market in order to validate their business ideas and goals.

The client's main goal is to build up a unique kids streaming application that is accessible to vast content by building up trust between parent and child.

I will assume the client has done internal market research on the opportunities and has identified that now there’s a big opportunity in the children’s video on demanding apps and services. Based on the research insights they want to capture a new audience to grow their revenue. 


Desk Research

After making the assumptions, I started by doing a desk research to understand the users and their needs, pain points, and common design patterns.

Key Insights

Following are the key insights I was able to gather.


Key Requirements

Also, I noticed that from many similar video-on-demand applications, the parent and children are expecting the same set of requirements. Following are the key requirements I identified from the desk research.

  • Safe and kid-friendly experience
  • Parental controls - Provide parents with the control that gives them peace of mind
  • Avoid in-app advertising. Advertising to children is illegal and strictly prohibited
  • Simple, fun, and easy to use
  • Conscious of too much screen-time

Proto Persona

Since I didn’t have time to do a traditional persona with heavy research and validated representations of the company’s target audience I created a proto persona which is a variant of the typical persona.

With the insights of the desk research, I created the following 02 proto personas for the main users of the application which are the parent who is looking for an application that will provide kids content for their children while enabling them to learn at the same time and children between the ages of 6 -14 who are looking for “cool” video contents that also allows them to choose what type of contents they want to watch.

These proto-personas helped me to create a starting point from which to begin evaluating the application and to create some early design hypotheses. They’re also helpful in initiating and reinforcing corporate awareness of the customer’s point of view to ensure it’s included in strategic planning.


Kid's proto persona


Parent's proto persona


Competitor Analysis

I also did competitor analysis. This was to find out what the current products in the markets were doing right, and what their shortcomings are. I used 03 of the top apps that are currently in the market.




Voice search
Huge selection of content
Set screen timer
Give access to only pre-selected videos with your kids on the home screen
Offers a lot of fun and educational content that can help young viewers learn new things, expand their creativity, and gain new perspectives

Ads - Possibility to view inappropriate content
Password entering with small problems might not work for older kids/tweens. But have a custom password option as well


Netflix Original TV and movies
Multi-device support
Affordable pricing
No extra costs
Don't need to choose the quality level you want to watch.

Can require faster internet speeds
Missing content


Great content base
4K included as standard
Price is competitive
Downloads available immediately
Diverse original content

Best originals are still to come
No licensed content
Unknown update schedule
The content library could be more varied

And following are the most common design patterns I identified from these applications.

Common Design Patterns

Also, I noticed that from many similar video-on-demand applications the parent and children are expecting the same set of requirements. Following are the key requirements I identified from the desk research.

  • Parental control
  • Simple tap interactions
  • Unable to close/exit the app during usage unless the power button is pressed (no distractions)
  • Cartoon characters and avatars
  • Landscape mode and horizontal scroll

Competitor Analysis

I also did competitor analysis. This was to find out what the current products in the markets were doing right, and what their shortcomings are. I used 03 of the top apps that are currently in the market.



 - Voice search
 - Huge selection of content
 - Set screen timer
 - Give access to only pre-selected videos with your kids on the home screen
 - Offers a lot of fun and educational content that can help young viewers learn new things, expand their creativity, and gain new perspectives


 - Ads - Possibility to view inappropriate content
 - Password entering with small problems might not work for older kids/tweens. But have a custom password option as well



 - Netflix Original TV and movies
 - Multi-device support
 - Affordable pricing
 - No extra costs
 - Don't need to choose the quality level you want to watch.


 - Can require faster internet speeds
 - Missing content



 - Great content base
 - 4K included as standard
 - Price is competitive
 - Downloads available immediately
 - Diverse original content


 - Best originals are still to come
 - No licensed content
 - Unknown update schedule
 - The content library could be more varied

And following are the most common design patterns I identified from these applications.

Common Design Patterns

Also, I noticed that from many similar video-on-demand applications, the parent and children are expecting the same set of requirements. Following are the key requirements I identified from the desk research.

  •  Parental control
  • Simple tap interactions
  • Unable to close/exit the app during usage unless the power button is pressed (no distractions)
  • Cartoon characters and avatars
  • Landscape mode and horizontal scroll

Define MVP features

Once I got a somewhat clear idea of users, key requirements, and competitors I started planning the features that should be available in the MVP.

I would typically have a workshop with the team for a priority matrix exercise based on research, competitor analysis, and other raw data. Due to time constraints (and small accurate user data), I prioritized the key features based on the research insights and the 02 personas I created.

Prioritized features

  • Log into the app - Users must log in or sign up for an account
  • Browse TV shows/movies and other content recommendations
  • Search for a TV show/movie or content- Enter keywords and phrases (by voice or text)
  • Select a TV show/movie or content to watch - View the media player to pause, play, next and back content
  • Parental control - Parents can access the parental controls section to manage their kid’s accounts, set timers on app usage, and more

User Flows

The main point of the user flow is to ensure that the functionality is always visible to the user, but not in an obstructive way. So I decided to create user flows for both parent and child users to identify the steps a user takes to complete that task. It helps me to make a clear way for the user to achieve their goals.


Information Architecture

I also wanted to check what other features we could add to the application structure after the MVP. Information architecture helps me to reduce the possibility of navigation problems. For me, that means a faster working process, also less cost for the client.



For the visual design direction, I wanted to generate as many ideas as possible. After I got the idea about the application’s visual direction I drew these rough sketches as a guide to the visual designs.


Log in user flow


Variations of the home screen


Variations of the parental controls screens


Visual Design and Prototype

Typography and Colors


Key Features

Prior to the beginning of the UI design, I had made the following assumptions. 

- Since this is a children's app, the user interface will not follow iOS guidelines. (larger targets, a variety of menu designs, colors, and fonts)
- Only landscape devices will be supported by the app. Due to its inherent ratio, it is the most common way to watch videos.

This design concept is to present the prioritized features for the MVP and the following are some of the key features in the MVP version.


Customized content for the kid

Based on the age category that the parent selected, the kid will get their own customized content feed.

Search content

Search by text and voice
for ease of use.


Restricted access

Access to Parental Controls are
restricted by a PIN. 

Parental controls

Parental controls allow parents to set a timer on app usage, check child’s activities, manage profile and etc.


Check out the prototype


Next Steps

As the product designer of this application, I would suggest measuring the success of the Keoko Kids launch based on the following metrics, 

  • Number of app downloads as an indicator of the acquisition
  • Number of monthly active users as an indicator of usage and retention
  • Number of content streamed is an indicator of engagement

Also, before starting work on the next version of the application, I suggest conducting a usability test with the MVP users to get an understanding of the current pain points and the user's requirements which we can include in future versions.

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© 2025 Mishari Tamara

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